Thursday, November 13, 2014

I make no promises...

Id love to be able write something

Things that are truly profound.

Things that would make any active mind ponder.

But in real life,  this just doesn't happen (at least not to me)

However, there are moments where my imagination takes over and things spill into my mind like jelly beans being poured into a bowl. Usually this happens when I am at work and should be focusing on the task in front of me. Sometimes if I am not particularly busy, Ill take a moment to write it down, but by the time I actually get a free moment to expand on it, my mind is tired, or I have lost direction, no longer sure of exactly where I wanted to go with a certain idea.  Sadly this is the plight of most writers.  We get wonderful, crazy ideas all the time. We read, watch people or hear conversations that no one else is listening to.  We see things in pictures that spark our minds and get our creative juices flowing.  But as soon we sit still to write it down, it stops. Like right now..I'm not really sure where I want to go with this.

OK so that's not true.

Despite my intentions, please know that there will be no truly profound thoughts here.  The only thing I plan to write is truth and opinions according to the world I live in.  There will be no political statements or rants about the price of rice somewhere else in the world, but occasionally, I will talk about something I hold dear to my heart, or something I read on Yahoo (cause that's where I get ALL my news) Sometimes I will rant, complain, or maybe just throw a question out into the cosmic winds of life to see what comes back.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not promise to write everyday. I will not promise to write things people will like, In fact I'm not even sure I will like what I write, but I will try to write often (hopefully with my grammar in check).  Just know that whatever I write will be truth, it will entertain you and maybe even uplift you. But mostly, it will be from my heart. Hopefully you'll enjoy it.


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